πŸ’°Trading Wallet Set-up

Set-up a trading wallet


You have Logged in with your Master Wallet. Now you're ready to add a trading wallet

Set-up a New Wallet for Trading

Readyswap recommends you use a different, separate wallet that the Master Account Wallet that you used for login, to maximize the security of your funds.

  • Create a Wallet Name to make it easily recognizable, for your own reference.

  • Add the Wallet Public Address

  • add the wallet's Private Key The private key is stored with AES256-bit Encryption. Readyswap cannot view, or help you retrieve your wallet if you lose wallet credentials. The security of your private key and seed phrase is 100% your responsibility - secure offline in a secure location.

TUF Team Notification: **Giving out your private key is scary!**

We recommend you set up a new, empty wallet for both account login and trading and provide these wallet addresses and private key details of the trading wallets. The TUF Team cannot see your private key information - it is encrypted - but always take precautions when exposing your wallets to third parties.

The TUF Team recommends you maintain a balance in your active wallet addresses suitable for your daily trading requirements and transfer out excess profits to a secondary 'bank' wallet accessible only to you, one perhaps secured by a hardware device like a Tresor hardware wallet, to securely store your on-chain assets.

How do I get my Private Key?

Click here for the process to take you through the process to discover your private key in Metamask.

Now, you're ready to configure your trading set-up, and enter your first swap!

Click here for Trade Configuration and Settings.

Last updated