😘MetaDrop Snipe Autotrader

Metadrop is a no-rug launch platform. Readyswap has created an auto-trader to snipe early entries when Metadrop projects launch.


Metadrop is a no-rug Crypto launch platform. Readyswap has created an auto-trader to snipe early entries when Metadrop projects launch.

  • Metadrop had launched great recent winners. A recent example is DOGEAI 0xD31E53966bF212E860d48a3a8651a23D09a7fDC3 which hit $6M MCap 4 hours after launch on 14 November 2023.

  • Auto-buying a token that does DOGEAI numbers, at launch and holding for a few hours? Could make your year.

  • Its Crypto, so only a % of launches do well, and only a smaller % moons, so buyer beware, but regular profits are being made, net of losses, by Readyswap users.

  • Metadrop is not 'scammer free' either, Dev can launch and dump all his self-allocated tokens, for example.

  • Still, Readyswap has the tech for you to take advantage of to get early entries if you're ready to take on the risk.

One of the biggest benefits is that these launches are not currently bribable by Banana Gun and other sniping platforms, giving Readyswap users the earliest entries without having to spend huge bribes.

Auto-trade Metadrop

MetaDrop autotrader is available to set up on both the Telegram and Web interfaces.

Autotrade functions are similar to other Auto-trade functions. The unique function for MetaDrop is CreateERC20. We recommend you turn this on.

There are 2 methods to open trade, add LP and Create ERC20 when they bulk the methods in 1 function. CreateERC20 offers the unique ability to snipe launch before others can see the token is live, allowing Readyswap users to snipe the 1st block.

Enabling does skip tokens using Add LP method, but these are a free-for-all anyway.

For MetaDrop the Readyswap Devs have tested how to get the earliest entries and recommend using Manual Gas, with MaxFeePerGas: 80 Gwei and MaxPriority: 20 Gwei to ensure you are the earliest possible.

This increases the transaction costs, so ensure you account for this in your risk/reward calculations. Still, significantly less expensive than bribing.

Last updated